
Long time no type.

So I was just sitting here at the computer, bored, and thought to myself, 'You know... I haven't posted anything on my blog in a long time!'. Zo, hurr i b, and thurr u b... and somethingsomethingsomething.

Today I got to stay home cause of all the snow/ice. I carpool with a buddy and he called me this morning around 5:15 telling me he called off... considering he's MY RIDE... I had to call off, too. I am completely broke* at the moment so I couldnt take a cab or anything and it's not walking distance. So whatever. I talked to my friend Pana who also works there on another floor, and she said hardly anyone showed up in the building... which I already pretty much knew lol. I'm kinda glad I got a day off because my body and mind was sooo tired. It was extra nice to get to sleep in today. What wont be extra nice, however, is having 8 hours docked from my paycheck for missing a day. Ouchers. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Yesterday after work, instead of Skittles bring me straight home, I had him drop me off at the furniture store my stepdad works at so I could look at their TVs. Matt's been talking about wanting a HDTV for a while.. and with the transition that will be occuring soon with the whole converter box shit, with an HDTV, we wouldnt need one :D

So I went to the TVs and started looking... and stopped at the third TV displayed. I knew that was the one. Love at first sight. 46" LCD 120hz HDTV, 1080p Shown Here It's a beaut. And I knew Matt would love it, too. I was there for about 2 hours altogether probably... had to wait for the guy who was gonna help me to finish with the people he was with which seemed to take FOREVER. I had to put a hefty downpayment on it...... that my bank account did NOT like, and I can't say I was too fond of it, either. But, it was the only way I could take it home that day. So I did it >.< My stepdad helped me bring it in and I set it all up, moved the TV that WAS in there, into our bedroom, and we're gonna let his brother Justin use the one we had in our bedroom.

During the time I was at the store, and on the way home... I was texting Matt... telling him I had a big surprise for him and I was so excited I almost wanted to just tell him............. BUT I DIDNT CAUSE I LOVE SURPRSING HIM xD
So when it came time for him to come home, I finished making chicken & cheese quesadillas and had a seat on the couch to wait. I heard him unlocking the door so I jumped up, turned off the light in the bedroom (so he wouldnt see the TV that used to be in the living room and figure it out ;)) and stopped him at the top of the stairs. I had him take his coat and hat off there, and asked him how much he loved me lol... told him to close his eyes, NO PEEKING... and led him to the living room and then said he could open his eyes. I faced him towards the couch though, so he looked at it with a confused look (as in "ehhh...... it.. looks...the same..") then he turned around and was like "Oh my God" xD He was soooo happy, it makes me smile just thinking about his joy <3 Of course I had already set up everything... the PS3 and whatnot, cause I knew he'd want to play the game on the new TV.

**And THAT... is why I am completely broke. lol

And I wanna sing some karaoke on MySpace now, so I will end it here :)
Hope this post finds everyone doing well <3

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