
Long time no type.

So I was just sitting here at the computer, bored, and thought to myself, 'You know... I haven't posted anything on my blog in a long time!'. Zo, hurr i b, and thurr u b... and somethingsomethingsomething.

Today I got to stay home cause of all the snow/ice. I carpool with a buddy and he called me this morning around 5:15 telling me he called off... considering he's MY RIDE... I had to call off, too. I am completely broke* at the moment so I couldnt take a cab or anything and it's not walking distance. So whatever. I talked to my friend Pana who also works there on another floor, and she said hardly anyone showed up in the building... which I already pretty much knew lol. I'm kinda glad I got a day off because my body and mind was sooo tired. It was extra nice to get to sleep in today. What wont be extra nice, however, is having 8 hours docked from my paycheck for missing a day. Ouchers. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Yesterday after work, instead of Skittles bring me straight home, I had him drop me off at the furniture store my stepdad works at so I could look at their TVs. Matt's been talking about wanting a HDTV for a while.. and with the transition that will be occuring soon with the whole converter box shit, with an HDTV, we wouldnt need one :D

So I went to the TVs and started looking... and stopped at the third TV displayed. I knew that was the one. Love at first sight. 46" LCD 120hz HDTV, 1080p Shown Here It's a beaut. And I knew Matt would love it, too. I was there for about 2 hours altogether probably... had to wait for the guy who was gonna help me to finish with the people he was with which seemed to take FOREVER. I had to put a hefty downpayment on it...... that my bank account did NOT like, and I can't say I was too fond of it, either. But, it was the only way I could take it home that day. So I did it >.< My stepdad helped me bring it in and I set it all up, moved the TV that WAS in there, into our bedroom, and we're gonna let his brother Justin use the one we had in our bedroom.

During the time I was at the store, and on the way home... I was texting Matt... telling him I had a big surprise for him and I was so excited I almost wanted to just tell him............. BUT I DIDNT CAUSE I LOVE SURPRSING HIM xD
So when it came time for him to come home, I finished making chicken & cheese quesadillas and had a seat on the couch to wait. I heard him unlocking the door so I jumped up, turned off the light in the bedroom (so he wouldnt see the TV that used to be in the living room and figure it out ;)) and stopped him at the top of the stairs. I had him take his coat and hat off there, and asked him how much he loved me lol... told him to close his eyes, NO PEEKING... and led him to the living room and then said he could open his eyes. I faced him towards the couch though, so he looked at it with a confused look (as in "ehhh...... it.. looks...the same..") then he turned around and was like "Oh my God" xD He was soooo happy, it makes me smile just thinking about his joy <3 Of course I had already set up everything... the PS3 and whatnot, cause I knew he'd want to play the game on the new TV.

**And THAT... is why I am completely broke. lol

And I wanna sing some karaoke on MySpace now, so I will end it here :)
Hope this post finds everyone doing well <3


I'm so exciiiited... and I just can't hiiide it

It still hasn't completely sunk in that I no longer am employed by Target, although I've said it about a million times LOL :)
I'm just so happy and excited about it... I was feeling so stuck... like there was no other option for me. That I had to stick it out even longer in a place where I was so unhappy with and dreaded going to... and now, things are going to be completely different. I already know EVERY place will have things that irk you that you can't really control... I'm not that naive and stupid :P

There's already ONE thing I know before I've even actually started there... and that is: MY FACIAL PIERCINGGGG. They do not allow facial piercings. But I wore a retainer when I went for my interview... and she didn't even notice it until *I* pointed it out. I saw Chris today when I was at TARGET (hahah) getting some new work clothes and he told me she had told him today that I wouldnt be able to wear the retainer, either... but I'm going to do what he suggested, and that is, wear the retainer anyway... and if something is said, just be like, "Oh, my bad... I didn't know...". Because she never called me back to tell me what HER boss had to say about the retainer, soooo... :P

I really should be in bed right now since my first day is TOMORROWWWWWW ( :D :D :D ), but I just can't seem to make myself lol. I think I'm too excited to sleep. Plus, Matt's out with some guys so I can never sleep when he's not here. Blah. I'm gonna have to try soon, though. I can't be at work on the first day looking like a zombie. At least I'll be a damn good looking zombie if I did ;) lol That's another thing I'm kinda excited about... I can dress up if I want to! I got a couple button-up, long-sleeved, striped shirts... a black pair of dressy pants... and a pair of brown khakis. I will wear as less RED as possible, that's for sure :P


Something fantastical! (Edited)

So I'm very moody at the moment, but I have great news.

I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!! Yay. No more Target! I actually found out I got the job a couple Tuesdays ago. I did the right thing and put in my two weeks (and actually stuck it out :P). Friday was my last scheduled day. So I have 4 (well... now, two remaining) days to relax until starting the new job.

So on Wednesday, I will be working at Washington University in the Mailroom in the Pediatrics Center. So exciting!! The benefits are GREAT, the pay is WAY better than I was getting, and I can even go to school for half price after a few months if I want to.

In other news, we might have found an apartment, which is very exciting as well. So I'm just crossing my fingers hoping things continue to look up.

Today when my mom and I were going to the store (SO SICK OF THE GROCERY STORE!!!! :@), we started to drive down the street and my mom began acting crazy, put the car in reverse and backed up. I was like, "WTF?!" I look over to my right, and there on the sidewalk next to a tree, was a HUGE hawk, tearing into a squirrel. o.o Mind you, we live in the city! This isn't something we see everyday. In fact, this is the FIRST time I've ever seen anything like that right in front of me. I know they release some in the city to take care of the pigeon population to keep it under control but damn. I wish I had my camera because I could have got some nice pictures of the hawk. I took a pic of it on my cell, but I know it's gonna be shitty quality. I feel bad for the little squirrel though, cause I love squirrels :( I opened the car door a smidge to see if it'd do anything but it didn't... just continued tearing into the little animal. But when I slammed the door shut, it looked up at me like it wanted to kill me. o.o lol Definitely something interesting that happened today.

I had my mom stop by Walgreens after the grocery store cause I needed some new bodyspray. To my dismay they didn't have SHIT. >:-L I did pick up some Mighty Putty... and one of those new Pedi Paws pet nail trimmers. I hope it works. BunBun needs her nails did. Mmmhm.

WHY... Do guys feel like they have to front??? Seriously. They end up looking like a LITTLE BITCH.


*sigh* -,-

It's been a little while since I've posted anything.

Monday afternoon, Matt & I decided to take up an offer from Ameristar Casino for their hotel. $79 for a deluxe suite with king size bed (which ended up over-looking the Missouri River).

Since I forgot to bring my camera, I got these off of the site, so excuse the star icons over some of the items.

The room was... amazing. This picture does NOT do it justice, I swear. When first walking in, I think both of our mouths were pretty much open in awe. I was not expecting something so nice. But considering the regular rates for the River View King room are about $180 a night... I would HOPE it's effing nice. :P

And the bathroom... That was another WOW.

This bathroom was incredible. When you open the beautiful wooden French-style doors, it reveals a toilet to the left (the picture should have been flipped) that has its own door so that if someone were using the bathroom, another person could be taking a shower... directly in front of the doorway, was the two-person marble/granite top sink... and to the right, closest to you was the separate glass-enclosed shower with the spacious tub next to it. I WANT A BATHROOM LIKE THAT! lol

After we got there (which was around 4-4:30pm) and looked around, we ate our subs we got on the way there, then took a little 3 1/2 hour nap and woke up at 9pm. We pretty much lounged in the huge comfy bed, drinking some tasty drinks, flipping through the TV. Ended up watching Malcom X. We were going to rent movies through them on the TV... but they charged $9.99 to rent ONE movie!

And we actually brought our PS3 along... but we couldn't get the internet to work on it. Matt called the front desk to ask about it, and apparently on the PS3 it just doesn't work... only on laptops. Then we noticed that no sound came from the TV when we had it hooked up. So there went our idea of going to a movie rental store and renting some movies & using the PS3 to play them!

We decided to go down to the casino floor to do a little gambling. I was hoping I'd do as well as I did the last time, and win close to $400........ but I didn't. I lost $20 and stopped myself there. Matt played Roulette and ended up coming out a little ahead... enough to make up for the $20 I lost and a little more.. so that was good! We did good. We were hungry after that, and the food there is way too expensive so we got in the truck and headed right down the street to the Waffle House and had some dinner.

We came back and returned to our room. We still couldn't get over how beautiful the room was. We started to watch another movie.... Boys Don't Cry... which was a freakin WEIRD movie.

I had a little surprise for Matt... which was coming out of the bathroom dressed in a cop costume...

That went extremely well... ;)

All-in-all, it was such a great experience... a very nice one-night getaway for us to spend some time alone. If they send us another coupon for it... we're definitely doing it again!!


Time for another installment of "Things That Piss Me Off"

1.) It highly annoys me when females make out with other females purely for attention. If you're a lesbian, or are TRULY a bisexual... fair enough. But if you just do it for guys' attention... you're a moron, and an A.W.

2.) When people say that games such as Grand Theft Auto are evil and bad influences. Sure... if the person is FUCKED UP in the head, it could be encouragement I suppose. But for most... it's just... FUN. It gives you the ability to do things--like shoot a cop--that you would (hopefully) never do in real life. There's no consequences in those games that affect your real life.

Okay I'll stop at 2... gotta save the others for the next one ;P

That song/video is so funny lol. I've seen so many clips of women like that on Maury... "I am 117% sure that he is the father, Maury!! Look at his toe nails--he knows he's the daddy!" Bitch you just became 117% WRONG. lmao. My favorite is when there's like, ten guys being tested lol... you MIGHT know your baby's daddy if you weren't such a WHORE
Anyway, I went off on a tangent there for a sec, lol... Right now the theme for that Mercenaries game ((oh no you di'int!)) is my profile song on MySpace... I'm thinking about making this one the new song. :P

Hmmm... I wonder if this will work on here......

*previews* it does! Muaha. >.>

My sleep schedule is SO outta whack. *yawns*


Hellow thar!

Nothing new has been happening here lately. Just the same ol' same ol'.

I'm just playing on the internet while Matt is behind me playing Call of Duty 4 on the PS3.... which we can now both be online since we got a wireless router--Yay.

In the last blog I forgot to also mention that I got a new phone!

The LG Rumor phone with Sprint. They had a deal going on, buy one Rumor phone, get the second free. So I went ahead and got another line put on my account and got the 2nd one for Matt.... I'm such a good girlfriend. :P
So yeah, if anyone (I know) wants my number so they can send me funny txts, ask me for the digits... unlimited txting for the win!

Plans for the evening:
About to leave to our Tuesday night spot... really hoping we can use the karaoke machine there tonight like Sarah usually lets us, 'cause I wanna sing!
... Will probably be there til around 1-1:30am.
... Will come home... maybe have some drunken secks...
... Will play PS3 all night.

Yep. That sounds about right.

Last night was pretty funny. I was messing around on the PS3 using the internet browser on there... and Matt was on the computer. I knew he had Comms in one of the tabs, so I went to Comms, went to his profile, sent him a guestbook message then went back and zoomed in on his profile picture. I then very casually asked if our friend Jenn was on so that he'd click on the Comms tab and notice he had a new GB comment. The plan worked beautifully, and he saw that *I* sent him a comment.. and was like, "What, wait... *turns around*" and there was his face on the screen lol

I am easily amused sometimes :P

Well. It's getting to be that time for us to skedaddle so I better get ready.

Hope everyone's doing well..... Sarah... I hope you had a good flight! Stop stressing yourself out so much--it's unnecessary and isn't doing you any good.


makeup, jamas, etcetc.

Alright, so if you know me... you know I LOVE makeup. Now, I don't make myself look like a hooker or anything like that... I just love the crazy looking makeup... the colors that really bring my eyes out or the colors that just POP.

So I was browsing through the cosmetics section at work today on a break... and saw these two nail polishes that I liked a lot.

So that's the first one... a really vibrant orange. I'm currently wearing it now on all 20 nails. :P I'm pretty pleased with the way it looks ON.

The next one:

A vivid green. Well... it APPEARS to be vivid... I won't really know until I apply it on my nails :P I hate when you get something like that... and you're expecting that exact color... but it's much more dull in actuality. So disappointing.

Anywho. So yeah.. I splurged a little and got a couple lil bottles of nail polish :P

I lost 10 lbs on the "Eat Nothing" diet! Just kidding lol, I always laugh when it's late at night and I'm flipping through channels, there's all those miracle weight-loss pill commercials and shit like that and there's people doing that kinda crap. I'm like... Okay...? Like it's that hard to get a size or two bigger than you actually wear and pull the extra material out in front of you to make it LOOK like you lost weight lmao And what cracks me up, is that all the girls on those commercials........ ARE SKINNY LITTLE BITCHES! Hoe, please. You were already skinny before.

I also got some new comfy-ass pajama pants <3333

I lurrrves them so.

I'm just too bootylicious. LOL /silly

And in other news, we very recently got a PS3! It hasn't disappointed me yet. It's so fun killing people. ........ in the games :shiftyeyes: :P

It's 3:46 in the AM and I have to get ready for work around 6AM......... should I even go to sleep??

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