
I really hate...

when people always say things like, "Oh! We need to hang out sometime!!" and you keep attempting to make it happen... call them, message them, whatever... find a time when you're both available... and they blow you off! It's fucking retarded.

That recently happened with our friend Chris aka Skittles a couple weeks ago. Before we got Chloe into school, I'd try to take her out to the park and stuff like that since there's one close to our house. After a couple times, it got a little boring for me, because there wasn't another adult there (that I knew) that I could have an actual conversation with while she ran around and played. So I invited him to the park a couple times... one time he couldn't, and the other he said he might head that way but never showed. Then he said we could come over to him and his partner's house and hang out for a little bit, so after the park one day I called to make sure it was still alright, and he never answered or called back. So. Yeah, it just pisses me off.

Today was such crap. Like a big, bowl of shit-cereal with curdled milk kind of day. I got no sleep last night and had to work in the morning. Got up at 5:30am to do my hair... I've been curling it lately... I've gotten really good comments about it, and *I* like it, so... it's something new since I haven't been dying my hair anymore lately :) Anyway, so yeah... get up at 5:30 after sleeping about 4 hours on and off, go to work, leave there around 12:30pm and come home to an overly-hyper Chloe............... I am so exhausted. I will be retiring shortly, considering lack of sleep from the previous night and that I have to rinse and repeat tomorrow--Oh joy.
BUT... my mom and stepdad are going down to the country to visit my grandparents, and she said she was gonna take Chloe along, so that means when I get home from work, I'll hopefully be able to squeeze some more sleep in! That excites me.

Talking about sleep........ is making me even more sleepy.
So, I bid you adieu. *tips hat*


Jeremy said...

Mandy, we should totally hang out sometime.


Mandy said...

I hate you Jeremy >:(

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