

It feels so weird in the house now. Matt's parents came and got Chloe yesterday to take her back to N.C. =/ I feel so many different emotions about that situation. But I really don't want to elaborate. Not right now, anyway.

So, my first official post on here, I mentioned finding stuff that I wrote a long time ago that I couldn't remember writing... and Sarah commented on one of the previous blogs about finding an old LiveJournal of hers she found. I had a LiveJournal as well... and I tried so hard to remember what my name on there was and for the life of me, could not. But somehow reading her comment, it came back to me! I always use the same password for most things and apparently THAT hasn't changed :P lol So I tried logging in... and it was still there! I thought they may have deleted it or something, since I haven't been on there in forever, but I guess they don't flush people. blast from the past! Heh. First post on there was made in August of 2001 :O I talked about my then-boyfriend Jordan wayyy too much--it made me sick -.- :P

Last night I went out with my buddy Katie and her sister Karen. Matt was at work and had to stay for another stupid class. =/ We went to our usual spot; it was Karaoke Night, WOOHOO! My first song was Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart". :P We sang... I had some amaretto sours and a shot of Monkey Sex... we hung out. It was fun. I was tipsy by the time the bar was closing, which was odd for me since I had only had three drinks altogether (and didn't even finish the last drink). 6 or so is usually my limit of most mixed drinks.
I also found out from Katie, that this dumb blonde bitch who came along with her and her friend/co-worker Jess (they all work at 7-Eleven... well... the dumb blonde doesn't anymore ;)) one night to our spot a few weeks ago was talking shit about me and my piercing to Jess, saying it looked stupid... and that she thought Matt was hot. And when Jess told her he was with me, she was like, "She's ugly, why would he be with someone like her when he could be with someone hot like me"............... Are you fucking serious?? Katie said that Jess said she told her I wasn't ugly and she shouldn't say shit like that. I WISH... WIIIISH... I would have known that shit that night when she was around so I could have pummeled her fucking ugly face in. That pissed me off so much. I wish she wouldn't have gotten fired, so I could have went up to her work and kicked her ass right then and there since Katie doesn't know where she lives. I'm going to ask Jess. She's going to get what's coming to her.

Anyway, I'm gonna keep this short for now. My eyes are super dry from going through all those old journal posts lol, so, I'm gonna rest 'em for a bit.

PS I can not WAIT to see Bangkok Dangerous!!


Fidget Midget said...

Haha! Glad I could be of some help :P

That girl is obviously jealous of you, don't let it aggravate you too much because then you'd be just as bad as she is. You're a beautiful person Manders, we all know it!

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