
Hellow thar!

Nothing new has been happening here lately. Just the same ol' same ol'.

I'm just playing on the internet while Matt is behind me playing Call of Duty 4 on the PS3.... which we can now both be online since we got a wireless router--Yay.

In the last blog I forgot to also mention that I got a new phone!

The LG Rumor phone with Sprint. They had a deal going on, buy one Rumor phone, get the second free. So I went ahead and got another line put on my account and got the 2nd one for Matt.... I'm such a good girlfriend. :P
So yeah, if anyone (I know) wants my number so they can send me funny txts, ask me for the digits... unlimited txting for the win!

Plans for the evening:
About to leave to our Tuesday night spot... really hoping we can use the karaoke machine there tonight like Sarah usually lets us, 'cause I wanna sing!
... Will probably be there til around 1-1:30am.
... Will come home... maybe have some drunken secks...
... Will play PS3 all night.

Yep. That sounds about right.

Last night was pretty funny. I was messing around on the PS3 using the internet browser on there... and Matt was on the computer. I knew he had Comms in one of the tabs, so I went to Comms, went to his profile, sent him a guestbook message then went back and zoomed in on his profile picture. I then very casually asked if our friend Jenn was on so that he'd click on the Comms tab and notice he had a new GB comment. The plan worked beautifully, and he saw that *I* sent him a comment.. and was like, "What, wait... *turns around*" and there was his face on the screen lol

I am easily amused sometimes :P

Well. It's getting to be that time for us to skedaddle so I better get ready.

Hope everyone's doing well..... Sarah... I hope you had a good flight! Stop stressing yourself out so much--it's unnecessary and isn't doing you any good.


Fidget Midget said...

You're such a sweetheart <3 The flight went well. I'm gonna write a blog about it later today. :)

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