
Time for another installment of "Things That Piss Me Off"

1.) It highly annoys me when females make out with other females purely for attention. If you're a lesbian, or are TRULY a bisexual... fair enough. But if you just do it for guys' attention... you're a moron, and an A.W.

2.) When people say that games such as Grand Theft Auto are evil and bad influences. Sure... if the person is FUCKED UP in the head, it could be encouragement I suppose. But for most... it's just... FUN. It gives you the ability to do things--like shoot a cop--that you would (hopefully) never do in real life. There's no consequences in those games that affect your real life.

Okay I'll stop at 2... gotta save the others for the next one ;P

That song/video is so funny lol. I've seen so many clips of women like that on Maury... "I am 117% sure that he is the father, Maury!! Look at his toe nails--he knows he's the daddy!" Bitch you just became 117% WRONG. lmao. My favorite is when there's like, ten guys being tested lol... you MIGHT know your baby's daddy if you weren't such a WHORE
Anyway, I went off on a tangent there for a sec, lol... Right now the theme for that Mercenaries game ((oh no you di'int!)) is my profile song on MySpace... I'm thinking about making this one the new song. :P

Hmmm... I wonder if this will work on here......

*previews* it does! Muaha. >.>

My sleep schedule is SO outta whack. *yawns*


Hellow thar!

Nothing new has been happening here lately. Just the same ol' same ol'.

I'm just playing on the internet while Matt is behind me playing Call of Duty 4 on the PS3.... which we can now both be online since we got a wireless router--Yay.

In the last blog I forgot to also mention that I got a new phone!

The LG Rumor phone with Sprint. They had a deal going on, buy one Rumor phone, get the second free. So I went ahead and got another line put on my account and got the 2nd one for Matt.... I'm such a good girlfriend. :P
So yeah, if anyone (I know) wants my number so they can send me funny txts, ask me for the digits... unlimited txting for the win!

Plans for the evening:
About to leave to our Tuesday night spot... really hoping we can use the karaoke machine there tonight like Sarah usually lets us, 'cause I wanna sing!
... Will probably be there til around 1-1:30am.
... Will come home... maybe have some drunken secks...
... Will play PS3 all night.

Yep. That sounds about right.

Last night was pretty funny. I was messing around on the PS3 using the internet browser on there... and Matt was on the computer. I knew he had Comms in one of the tabs, so I went to Comms, went to his profile, sent him a guestbook message then went back and zoomed in on his profile picture. I then very casually asked if our friend Jenn was on so that he'd click on the Comms tab and notice he had a new GB comment. The plan worked beautifully, and he saw that *I* sent him a comment.. and was like, "What, wait... *turns around*" and there was his face on the screen lol

I am easily amused sometimes :P

Well. It's getting to be that time for us to skedaddle so I better get ready.

Hope everyone's doing well..... Sarah... I hope you had a good flight! Stop stressing yourself out so much--it's unnecessary and isn't doing you any good.


makeup, jamas, etcetc.

Alright, so if you know me... you know I LOVE makeup. Now, I don't make myself look like a hooker or anything like that... I just love the crazy looking makeup... the colors that really bring my eyes out or the colors that just POP.

So I was browsing through the cosmetics section at work today on a break... and saw these two nail polishes that I liked a lot.

So that's the first one... a really vibrant orange. I'm currently wearing it now on all 20 nails. :P I'm pretty pleased with the way it looks ON.

The next one:

A vivid green. Well... it APPEARS to be vivid... I won't really know until I apply it on my nails :P I hate when you get something like that... and you're expecting that exact color... but it's much more dull in actuality. So disappointing.

Anywho. So yeah.. I splurged a little and got a couple lil bottles of nail polish :P

I lost 10 lbs on the "Eat Nothing" diet! Just kidding lol, I always laugh when it's late at night and I'm flipping through channels, there's all those miracle weight-loss pill commercials and shit like that and there's people doing that kinda crap. I'm like... Okay...? Like it's that hard to get a size or two bigger than you actually wear and pull the extra material out in front of you to make it LOOK like you lost weight lmao And what cracks me up, is that all the girls on those commercials........ ARE SKINNY LITTLE BITCHES! Hoe, please. You were already skinny before.

I also got some new comfy-ass pajama pants <3333

I lurrrves them so.

I'm just too bootylicious. LOL /silly

And in other news, we very recently got a PS3! It hasn't disappointed me yet. It's so fun killing people. ........ in the games :shiftyeyes: :P

It's 3:46 in the AM and I have to get ready for work around 6AM......... should I even go to sleep??



It feels so weird in the house now. Matt's parents came and got Chloe yesterday to take her back to N.C. =/ I feel so many different emotions about that situation. But I really don't want to elaborate. Not right now, anyway.

So, my first official post on here, I mentioned finding stuff that I wrote a long time ago that I couldn't remember writing... and Sarah commented on one of the previous blogs about finding an old LiveJournal of hers she found. I had a LiveJournal as well... and I tried so hard to remember what my name on there was and for the life of me, could not. But somehow reading her comment, it came back to me! I always use the same password for most things and apparently THAT hasn't changed :P lol So I tried logging in... and it was still there! I thought they may have deleted it or something, since I haven't been on there in forever, but I guess they don't flush people. blast from the past! Heh. First post on there was made in August of 2001 :O I talked about my then-boyfriend Jordan wayyy too much--it made me sick -.- :P

Last night I went out with my buddy Katie and her sister Karen. Matt was at work and had to stay for another stupid class. =/ We went to our usual spot; it was Karaoke Night, WOOHOO! My first song was Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart". :P We sang... I had some amaretto sours and a shot of Monkey Sex... we hung out. It was fun. I was tipsy by the time the bar was closing, which was odd for me since I had only had three drinks altogether (and didn't even finish the last drink). 6 or so is usually my limit of most mixed drinks.
I also found out from Katie, that this dumb blonde bitch who came along with her and her friend/co-worker Jess (they all work at 7-Eleven... well... the dumb blonde doesn't anymore ;)) one night to our spot a few weeks ago was talking shit about me and my piercing to Jess, saying it looked stupid... and that she thought Matt was hot. And when Jess told her he was with me, she was like, "She's ugly, why would he be with someone like her when he could be with someone hot like me"............... Are you fucking serious?? Katie said that Jess said she told her I wasn't ugly and she shouldn't say shit like that. I WISH... WIIIISH... I would have known that shit that night when she was around so I could have pummeled her fucking ugly face in. That pissed me off so much. I wish she wouldn't have gotten fired, so I could have went up to her work and kicked her ass right then and there since Katie doesn't know where she lives. I'm going to ask Jess. She's going to get what's coming to her.

Anyway, I'm gonna keep this short for now. My eyes are super dry from going through all those old journal posts lol, so, I'm gonna rest 'em for a bit.

PS I can not WAIT to see Bangkok Dangerous!!

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